Saturday, March 07, 2009

Is it time to change our Outlook.

I'm a little frustrated with our eschatology. Why are we always doom and gloom? This morning at church during prayer I heard the lament again of how awful this world is and that things are going downhill so fast that Jesus better come quick to yank us out of this miserable existence. Now, I will freely admit that I have lived a relatively pain free and sheltered life. Sure I've had some bad things happen to me, but not to the extent of many people especially the millions of children who will die this week because of starvation. But for a while now I've been a little miffed by the view that this world for the lack of a better term, sucks.

I'm blogging about that this week because I am in the middle of reading a book titled "Younger Evangelicals", while I don't really consider myself and evangelical there are many things about the book that resonated with me. In a nutshell what the book said was that from 1950-1975 fundamentalist evangelicals held the view that since Jesus was coming pretty soon, (premillinialism, which Adventism including myself believes) we don't really have to worry about the problems of the world, i.e. the environment, the poor, social justice, because Jesus was going to come and judge everybody and we'd go to heaven and live wonderful blissful lives. I'm finding that this view (often promoted by modernistic evangelists) has gotten the Church (capital C) into a lot of trouble.

I remember being about 15 the first time I thought about Adventist believes in this vein. I had heard through Revelation Seminars or maybe at school that at the end of time those who worship on Sabbath would be persecuted and that Sunday worship laws would force us to choose between the Sabbath and our lives. (Theoretically this could all still happen, who knows) These events would mean that Jesus was about to come. My thinking at the time was why in the world are we paying all of these lawyers to protect the Sabbath, just let it go and Jesus will come sooner!

My postmodernism has taken over my thoughts in this area. I have travelled to several parts of the world. Interestingly enough people are pretty happy. In fact I'm pretty happy. I like living, I like growing in the shape and purpose that God intends for me. I like hearing the stories of peoples lives. I like technology, I like my family, I enjoy a good meal, playing games, sports, music. In spite of some of the crummy things that happen I dig the life that God has given me. So I just don't resonate with doom and gloom eschatalogical thinking. Why do we focus on the bad instead of leading people to the good?

I like to think that I'm looking forward to Jesus second coming as much as the next guy, but perhaps I also am looking forward to the journey of searching for Jesus in this life as well. What do you all think?


Anonymous said...

Comment posted via Facebook by Andrea Torres. "I have been thinking about this lately. Why do we bring new members to our churches through Prophecy & Evangelistic Crusades? Shouldn't their first image of Christ be of Grace and Love? Why are we so worried about what "might" happen and spend our time letting Christ's love shine through us?"

Anonymous said...

I agree. The messages should be positive. Listening to "negative" sermons doesn't make me want to go to church to hear that. I don't even watch news on TV because it's all about negative things. I think positive views would keep more people in the church and keep better attitudes. I love life and love living it! It has it's bumps but overall it's great!

Keep up the good news!

Benji said...

thanks for the comment. I think that while we can't candy coat things we should still be people who like to have fun. Perhaps this is because I'm a youth pastor or maybe why I'm a youth pastor. But I get frustrated when being a Christian ceases to be fun.
I don't want to say that Jesus says our lives will be easy, in fact he says that bearing his cross is difficult, but to me that is all the more reason to enjoy the things in life that God has provided for us to enjoy. Look at Paul and Barnabas in prison possible ready to die and they are singing away.
God has given us a lot to enjoy and have fun with, food, friends, comedians, roller coasters, music, kids, spouses...Let's enjoy it not make it a burden or chore.