Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So we had buttermilk left over in the fridge so I decided to make buttermilk pancakes. the recipe on cooks.com was not tasty. However the evening was saved by my syrup. Got lucky with it and decided to share. All measurements are approximate

1 Cup Apple Juice
1 Cup cubed Mango (used trader Joe's frozen mango chunks)
1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup light coconut milk
2 tsp corn starch

Bring Apple Juice, mango, coconut and coconut milk to a simmer. I used my hand blender to semi-puree the mango, but I left a few chunks. Dissolve the corn starch in water and add to mixture return to simmer for a couple of minutes and then remove from heat.

It was pretty yummy so I decided to share...

Ideas for the future, add pineapple chunks, perhaps some candied ginger or ginger powder?