As you can tell the blogs have slowed down but fun things are still happening! We actually go some sleep last night as Steph's body caught up with her and the adrenaline wore off. We put Dylan in the hospital nursery and they brought him in during the night when it was time to feed, but for the most part we got to sleep about 7 hours or so!
The day was full of adventures, but mostly we just enjoyed holding our little dude...Some of you I'm sure are wondering about the name thing. The short answer is that it's the name that was on both Steph's list and mine. But there was a reason for that, something important to me was the meaning of the name. Dylan is a Welsh name and we both loved Wales when we were there last year, the name means "son of the sea" or "born from the ocean" and as most of you know both Stephanie and I have a love for all things ocean! As for his middle name it's Stephanie's maiden name and as there were all girls in her generation the name was going to die out, so we wanted to continue the proud Crane tradition! So there you have it...
Another fun thing that happened today was that we got to see our pediatrician. He came in and told us our baby was perfectly normal which was very nice to hear. Dylan also passed his hearing test, and we cringed as his PKU test was administered. The PKU test is a blood test where they prick the baby's heel and squeeze out a bunch of blood for testing, that was hard to watch.
On a brighter note we've enjoyed sharing with friends and family the news and getting to talk to family over and over again as the day goes on.
Since this is a random thoughts blog I have noticed that Dylan looks amazingly like Yoda? does anybody else see it, perhaps I could photoshop his face green? but I don't have photoshop:(
Also there should be about 30 more pictures on flickr by midday tomorrow
Keeping Jesus #1
Pastor Benji
Yes, I sensed a disturbance in the least he doesn't look like Chewy!!!
I LOVE that you chose Crane as a "middle" name...I'm not sure if you know but Griffyn's full name is: Griffyn Rouru Richard Duerksen no other male Duerksen's are having babies, we didn't want the Duerksen name to die out either! Great choice you two!
Have another good sleep...just wait till he's nearly 2 and wakes you up at 2:45am standing by the bed asking to play blocks!! Yup, that's Griffyn for you!
Congratulations, Stephanie and Benji!
Cheers and God Bless Dylan.
(By the way, "Rhys" is a fine Welsh name, too, if you're looking to start a list for the next one.)
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