We welcomed Dylan into the world at 7:02 CST today! He is 6lbs 7oz and was about 20 inches long! Still no pictures, but they should be up on the site soon! It was a pretty uneventful afternoon, but after 4 hours with no change in the dialation of the cervix (can you say that on national blogosphere?) The doctors decided that a C-section was the best way to do things. At that point things went super fast. Our good friend/parent of stephs student/OBGYN skipped her daughters dance party to come and deliver Dylan. And yes I got to watch the whole thing and I didn't even come close to fainting :)
I then got to walk the baby to the nursery while they stitched Steph up. I didn't get to cut the cord though :( The baby got his temp taken, then a shot of Vitamin K, and some eye salve. After about 10 minutes alone with Dylan, Stephanie came out of surgury and got to hold Dylan for the first time and it was super awesome being a threesome family together!
So the deal is that we'll be in the hospital for a few extra days now. Probably at least until Friday or Sabbath. We are both exhausted, especially Steph after a full day of work for her body! We thank God for a very blessed day and for all our health. Also thanks to Marie Carlson for being there all day for us and for the Latterals for watching Belle for us.
Keeping Jesus#1
Awesome!!! Welcome to the family, Dylan! We love you and can't wait to give you cuddles! Hurry up with the pics, Benji! Give Steph a hug from us (especially me - I know what labour is like) and get some rest if at all possible!
Much love from the Kapao's
the anderson family welcomes Dylan to the world. we have been following the progress all along. tell steph hi for us and maybe we'll stop by and see the little dude!!!
clint, leah and kids
the Anderson family welcomes Dylan into the world. thanks for the pics on the blog. we've been keeping track all along. tell steph hi from us and maybe we'll stop by to see the little dude!!!
clint, leah and kids
Congratulations!!!!!You guys are such an amazing family. He is the cutest baby ever and I've seen alot of babies. Wish we were there, but we are looking forward to visiting you guys in Feb!!!!Miss you tons! I can't beleive you are parents to a little boy. Life is so AMAZING! See you guys in a couple months. Hugs and Kisses! Nick Heidi and Olive tells Belle HOWDY.
Way to go!! What a cute little boy! We are looking forward to seeing him.
The Campanello family
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