Tuesday, November 03, 2009


So I went in for a haircut today, much needed. Maybe this is just me but getting a haircut is always a little awkward. Most of you know that I'm a 'people' person, but its just always a little awkward talking to the hairstylist. It's not like you can ask them what the do for a living as a conversation starter.

Anyways, let's get to the point here, I sit down in the chair and get comfortable and then comes the question: "What do you want me to do to your hair" or something like that...The problem is that I never know? Sometimes I'll try to say one thing or another, but what I've found is that I usually don't like the product that I try to explain to the stylist. Tonight I think I surprised the stylist, but just saying, "do what you think is best and I guarantee I'll be happy with it." And you know what, I was. Hey they are the professionals not me, if you can call Great Clips professionals :) So I wasn't sure whether to make that part of my Facebook status or make it part of a blog since I haven't blogged since April. You can see what decision I made.

So as all this is mulling over in my mind, still sitting in the chair, I wonder what my decision making process about getting a haircut says about me? Still not sure, but its fun to think about why we think the way we think.

Sorry for not posting anything deep tonight.

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