Well it's a new year, and there's plenty of other new things in the Ferguson house! We brought Dylan home late Sabbath to plenty of rain showers. We walked into the house and Steph started crying. It was a pretty overwhelming experience. Saturday night was rough too, Dylan had a very hard time sleeping and because of that so did we. He was so good in the hospital and he came home and cried all night. Finally we gave him some drops of some stuff that helps with gas (did he get that from daddy?) and he was able to have a little stool in his diaper which seemed to help things out immensely, but he still had to sleep on mom's chest for the rest of the night which was only minimally restful for mom.
Sunday morning, Marie came over and gave Steph a break and watched Dylan so Steph could sleep. While Stephanie was sleeping Marie worked her magic on our house. She got the guest room rearranged and cleaned up so "the old lady" would have a place to sleep. She did a lot of other stuff too and helped me move my desk so that I would have a place to study while we have this influx of visitors over the next few months.
Steph got her wish Sunday and the rain outside turned to snow! We got a few inches and should have some pictures of that up on flickr really soon. That made the ride to the airport to pick up Jeni a long one and Steph and Dylan

stayed home since the roads were so messy. But Dylan loves hanging out with Jeni. New Years eve was a better night for Dylan and Dad and mom are a little more rested.
I wish all of you a great new year. May you find a closer relationship with Jesus and the people God puts in your path in the coming year.
Keeping Jesus #1
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