Anyways we're at like 5 weeks until baby due date, pretty insane. Here's a couple of pictures of Stephanie with her , shall we say little? belly. It's pretty sweet we can see the baby wiggling around in there adn stuff.

Also a crazy week, my step sister Dawn was in a pretty intense car crash and brok her C1 vertebre, ut I think she'll be ok. My mom's surgury while a little more invasive that we thought it would seems to have gone well and so now I'm going to have to start supporting those pink ribbon causes:)
Happy Thanksgivng sorry nothing funny this week to report
Keeping Jesus #1
dude, what is up. I forgot that you knocked up your wife. congratulations. We are headed out to Visalia for Thanksgiving this morning. School is going well out here. We have moved past the cutting on dead people and moved into plastic teeth. After Christmas we can actually cut on real teeth. You and Sarah can whine about school together. That will be fun. Cheers, Brian
Glad to see you're blogging man. Give your Mom and Stephanie and Chris and Sara my love.
Hey man, enjoy your last few days of non-parent life. It goes from freedom, go on dates, quiet house with nice things... everything in order and clean, lots of time to yourselves to screaming baby, nothing organized or clean, toys everywhere, no dates, to time for self, much stress, etc, etc, etc, OVERNIGHT! But you'll love it! Enjoy man, have fun with that new baby when it comes.
Benji! Wow, Stephanie looks about due. I hope you are having a good Thanksgiving! Bronco's are playing pretty soon :)
It's December now and Stephanie said you're keeping up with this site. She already looks different! Better do at least one more blog before the little guy gets here! Love you guys!
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